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FIGZ 2023
Re: FIGZ 2023
The Figz event took place last year as well.
Zuletzt geändert von Cryns am So 21. Mai 2023, 09:58, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Re: FIGZ 2023
The Figz event took place last year as well, in full size. And I sold pretty much of my vintage figurines that day. But for me it was a bit overshadowed by 3.Dioramica of which I returned only a few days before. In fact I am happy the next Dioramica will probably taken place on another moment in the year. The positive side was, I could go in one run with all my sales stuff from Heilbad Heiligenstadt to Arnhem without unpacking anything. The lesser part of the story is, that I was completely exhausted when I arrived at Figz in Arnhem.
Unfortunately I will not be at Figz this year.