Aspern Essling 21/22 May 1809

Beiträge: 1049
Registriert: Do 18. Jun 2015, 06:39

Re: Aspern Essling 21/22 May 1809

Beitrag von Egbert » Do 24. Okt 2024, 08:48

I'm happy to repeat myself.
This project of yours, dear Chris, will once again be a masterpiece.
Lively history lessons...with beautifully designed and painted figures.
LG Egbert

Beiträge: 1286
Registriert: Do 10. Aug 2017, 22:16

Re: Aspern Essling 21/22 May 1809

Beitrag von Cryns » Di 29. Okt 2024, 13:50

Dear Chris,

Nice work and research.

Regards from Cryns

Beiträge: 825
Registriert: Do 10. Aug 2017, 13:39

Re: Aspern Essling 21/22 May 1809

Beitrag von CHRIS DODSON » Sa 2. Nov 2024, 19:47

Thank you everyone for your kind comments.

My man is Essling is a gentleman called Harry who goes by Challenger 77 on Bennoes.

He has been very helpful.

Knesevich Dragoons No.3

These fine fellows comprised the Brigade Clary, part of the 2nd Cavalry Division of the First reserve Corps.

I am very impressed with the sculpts that are animated and have a clarity of detail that is a joy to behold.



Lots to do.


Beiträge: 825
Registriert: Do 10. Aug 2017, 13:39

Re: Aspern Essling 21/22 May 1809

Beitrag von CHRIS DODSON » Di 17. Dez 2024, 09:04

Napoleon at Aspern

I purchased a new Napoleon and staff from the Battle Honours company for my Aspern project.

There was a misunderstanding about scale but the company were brilliant and duplicated my order in 1/72, gratis, and the end result was some fantastic sculpts.

Napoleon had a suite of horses although it would appear that greys seem to predominate as his mounts.

I was looking for a painting guide and following several suggestions through the TMP forum I settled on his Majesty at Regensburg.

Here he is being treated by surgeon Yvan on a magnificent white beast ( Cremello colouring I believe).

The painting is fairly contemporary as the artist is of the period, ( 1765-1825) rather than some paintings of much later years.

Importantly, the date of this action was the 23rd April 1809, roughly a month before Aspern.


I am very pleased with the Battle Honours sculpts and the resin is fairly robust unlike some other producers.



Vive L’ Empereur

Beiträge: 653
Registriert: Sa 12. Aug 2017, 01:43

Re: Aspern Essling 21/22 May 1809

Beitrag von Salaberry » Di 17. Dez 2024, 17:52

Nice figurine.

You're going to have fun when it comes to the grand battery !!
Over a hundred guns !



Beiträge: 825
Registriert: Do 10. Aug 2017, 13:39

Re: Aspern Essling 21/22 May 1809

Beitrag von CHRIS DODSON » Mo 23. Dez 2024, 19:35

Thanks Sala. Lots of guns eventually.


According to Gill there were two units of Grenzers, number six ( including the remants of seven) and thirteen, present at Aspern.

It appears that these units had a brown ‘home’ ( hausmontur) uniform which was then, when in the field swapped to a white one. Reforms, effective from late 1808 instructed that units were to take the field in the brown uniform but many units did not do this for some time after the decree. .

Furthermore, the regular issue grey overcoat seems to have been ignored in favour of the red cape as a mark of pride.

I was going to re paint them in white, but I think they look ok as they are. I might do the other unit in white but the contrast to the Avalanche of white which will attacking Aspern has a visual appeal.


Duka Infantry regiment number thirty nine.

This regiment of Hungarians formed part of Bianchi’s Brigade of Sixth Corps. I have used the Polkowski prints as before but have mixed them with the new Hat Hungarians.

Apart from the weird firing chap the Hat Hungarians are very nice. In my opinion they better than the Austrian marching gentlemen with a much nicer moulding. The bayonets are not as bad as the Austrian set although the injection process left many too short in my purchase.

I was going to paint the trousers with the black dots which Hat have done in relief but decided it would nearly obliterate the yellow at this scale. I might re think this after experimenting on my next unit of Hungarians.



Lots to do.


Beiträge: 825
Registriert: Do 10. Aug 2017, 13:39

Re: Aspern Essling 21/22 May 1809

Beitrag von CHRIS DODSON » So 5. Jan 2025, 17:33

Vincent Chevauleger Regiment No.4.

These gentlemen along with the 5th Chevauleger made up the Cavalry Brigade Vecsey, part of Bellegarde’s First Corps.

Unlike their friends in white, these chaps had a green uniform.


Hooray! a complete unit.

Lots to do .


Beiträge: 653
Registriert: Sa 12. Aug 2017, 01:43

Re: Aspern Essling 21/22 May 1809

Beitrag von Salaberry » Mo 6. Jan 2025, 18:04

"I was going to re paint them in white, but I think they look ok as they are. I might do the other unit in white but the contrast to the Avalanche of white which will attacking Aspern has a visual appeal."

I think it's a valid choice.
As for the piping of the Hungarian pants, it's truly a labour of love time-wise but unless you do "intense" close-ups as I do, I would say it's likely to get lost in the overall mass: perhaps the first ranks visible to the eye and then hide the plain yellow ones behind ?

Nice to see whole units come together - and well painted: keep up the good work!


Beiträge: 825
Registriert: Do 10. Aug 2017, 13:39

Re: Aspern Essling 21/22 May 1809

Beitrag von CHRIS DODSON » Di 7. Jan 2025, 09:49

Hi Sala.

Thank you for your kind words.

A modelling colleague suggested using a marker pen.

Der Feldmarschall sourced from Amazon waterproof fine marker pens from Leto.

They are wonderful for the buttons and piping.

Problem solved!

Lots to do.


Beiträge: 825
Registriert: Do 10. Aug 2017, 13:39

Re: Aspern Essling 21/22 May 1809

Beitrag von CHRIS DODSON » Mi 8. Jan 2025, 19:53

Third Battalion Moravia volunteers.

This unit was part of brigade Splenyi part of Hillers Sixth Corps.

This was a volunteer, or Freiwilliger unit commanded by officers with military experience.

Part of the volunteer status was that the cuffs were pointed to acknowledge this.

I have used the Hat Landwehr with an Art Miniturian mounted Colonel to represent them.



Lots to do.

