Crynsminiaturen Kyrenia Ship

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Registriert: Do 10. Aug 2017, 22:16

Re: Crynsminiaturen Kyrenia Ship

Beitrag von Cryns » Mi 10. Jul 2019, 13:35

Dear Carnuntum, Dirk, Hartung and Andi,

Thank you so much for your beautiful comments!
CARNUNTUM hat geschrieben:
So 7. Jul 2019, 10:54
Wenn ich Deine Boote und Mannschaften so ansehe , jedes Mal kommen die Eindrücke vom Wellenschlag am Ufer , der Salz und Tang- Geruch zurück und die Gedanken an die zahllosen Schiffe der Antike die dort im Meer untergegangen sind ! Deine Modelle rufen solche Erinnerungen hervor , danke dafür Mr. Cryns !
I am honoured to read this dear Carnuntum!
CARNUNTUM hat geschrieben:
So 7. Jul 2019, 10:54
Im den Jahren so 1974 -75 war ich in der Österreichischen Einheit für die UN auf Zypern .
By that time the shipwreck (discovered in 1967) finished its preparation period and was probably for display to the public. Did you see it?
Its first full size replica was only finished in 1985, thats ten years after you left.
CARNUNTUM hat geschrieben:
So 7. Jul 2019, 10:54
ich jedoch setzte mich in Einheimische Busse und fuhr durchs Land um es kennenzulernen. Zuerst waren wir in Kyrenia stationiert , später wechselten wir dann in den Bezirk Larnaca. Ich war in dem Museum in Kyrenia ,damals zwar interessiert ,aber noch nicht so im Detail wie heute , also fehlen gute Bilder zum Museumsbesuch. Weiter nach Salamis , die Ruinenstadt am Küstenufer . Sah noch einiges anderes , wie Nicosia
I whish I had made such a trip. It is still on my wishlist of future travels.
Egbert hat geschrieben:
Mi 3. Jul 2019, 16:33
Hier sieht man wieder wie viel "Herzblut" und Leidenschaft von Dir für "unseren" Maßstab investiert wird.
Dear Egbert, yes you can see it like this :shock: Especially when we realize all of this can be done much easier by 3D computer design. But I love to sculpt my humans by hand and build my ships in wood.
dirk hat geschrieben:
So 7. Jul 2019, 15:20
Vorallem finde ich die Darstellung des Segels hervorragend !
Yes Dirk, danke, I believe this is still an unicum in our hobby since for professionals it is very difficult to cast such sails. And for me too. For every proper sail I still have 1 or 2 miscasts and even the best ones require some hand repair work before I can use or sell them. So its far from economic profitable but as Egbert already wrote: Herzblut und Leidenschaft. Several professional producers and casters advised me to design the sails even more heavier (thicker) to enable professional (commercial) casting being successful.
Hartung W hat geschrieben:
Mo 8. Jul 2019, 10:43
You've already prepared the ship very well for distribution. When is it so far that someone can acquire it ?
Dear Wolfgang, the prototypes of this ship were already available for one and a half year on... let us call it ... the Dark Web :mrgreen:
No, I mean I only sold it on conventions and to hobby friends. By now I sell it online. That means it can be ordered by me:
But I am still investigating who can cast, distribute and sell my ship models in the future and under which conditions and circumstances.
Since 3D Kyrenia shipmodels appeared to be for sale on the interent (only virtual, not printed into physical shipmodels yet I think) I thought it was a wise decision to start presenting and selling my product as quick as possible before I am double crossed by other producers and sellers and my handmade products lose value.

But there will be new and more ancient Ships designed by me in the future and its not my wish to spend the rest of my days casting, selling and posting my products. In the time I need for that I can not sculpt or design new products. So sooner or later I will commit myself to a professional company.
