Crynsminiaturen News
Re: Crynsminiaturen News
Tolles Zubehör - kann man für Dioramen immer mal gebrauchen !
Mein Blog:
Re: Crynsminiaturen News
Tolle ausdetailierte Säcke. Kann ich für mein neues Diorama schon brauchen.
Liebe Grüße, Wolle

Re: Crynsminiaturen News
These are wonderful additions for diorama building.
Sacks are needed for almost all eras.
Sacks are needed for almost all eras.
LG Egbert

Re: Crynsminiaturen News
Thank you dear Dirk, Wolfgang and Egbert.
While Patrick and Thomas continued working on the Uberfall Getreideschiff Diorama, I continued developing, improving and slightly changing the design of its 'Zwammerdam 6' Roman Rhine barge.
I made a towing mast for the 'B' version of this model kit and I experimented with a drag anchor and added some stone anchors besides the iron ones. Here is the result until now.
The model kit is for sale. For prices, look at my website ... entury-ad/
Also I have been painting a resin cast copy of the barge and designed a rigging plan manual for the customers. So even Patrick can do his own rigging with this one
While Patrick and Thomas continued working on the Uberfall Getreideschiff Diorama, I continued developing, improving and slightly changing the design of its 'Zwammerdam 6' Roman Rhine barge.
I made a towing mast for the 'B' version of this model kit and I experimented with a drag anchor and added some stone anchors besides the iron ones. Here is the result until now.
The model kit is for sale. For prices, look at my website ... entury-ad/
Also I have been painting a resin cast copy of the barge and designed a rigging plan manual for the customers. So even Patrick can do his own rigging with this one

Zuletzt geändert von Cryns am Mi 21. Feb 2024, 09:17, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
Re: Crynsminiaturen News
Die Boote sind auch sehr schön geworden !
Mein Blog:
Re: Crynsminiaturen News
9 new cargo items for the Crynsminiaturen range.
8 of them are part of the Gallo-Roman river barge cargo series.
8 of them are part of the Gallo-Roman river barge cargo series.